Custom Designed Brand Journeys

Support & Management Service Packages

To make sure your investment into your brand continues to pay off, I offer a Standard Care Plan that keeps you working with me as you continue to grow.

When you opt to sign up for my Full Service Management Package, I'll be even more hands on in developing your business. I'll keep your site up to date, meet regularly with you to work through KPI's and strategize for the future, create effective newsletter broadcasts, and so much more.

No annual or minimum time requirement. All plans can be adjusted at anytime and can be canceled 30 days prior to next billing due date.

Custom Designed Brand Journeys

Support & Management Service Packages

To make sure your investment into your brand continues to pay off, I offer a Standard Care Plan that keeps you working with me as you continue to grow.

When you opt to sign up for my Full Service Management Package, I'll be even more hands on in developing your business. I'll keep your site up to date, meet regularly with you to work through KPI's and strategize for the future, create effective newsletter broadcasts, and so much more.

No annual or minimum time requirement. All plans can be adjusted at anytime and can be canceled 30 days prior to next billing due date.

The Standard Care Plan

$199/mo or $550/quarter or


The Full Service Management Package

$359/mo or $995/quarter or


The Standard Care Plan

$199/mo or $550/quarter or


Full Service Management Package

$359/mo or $995/quarter or


Every month you’ll get 4 free hours of support ticket work, allowing you to skip the usual $75/hour fee.

You can use these hours to touch base on your web strategy, troubleshoot design edits, or learn more about how to use your website.

I’ll go in and run all updates on your site, plugins, and monitor potential errors to make sure your site is always running smoothly.

One the 1st of the month, I’ll run a full back up of your site so you won’t have to worry if you make any mistakes while learning how to make your own edits. 

Connect with me 1-on-1 to touch base on site status, goals, and troubleshoot any functionality questions with your site.

I’ll go in and run all updates on your site, plugins, and monitor potential errors to make sure your site is always running smoothly.

Every month you’ll get 4 free hours of support ticket work, allowing you to skip the usual $75/hour fee.

You can use these hours to touch base on your web strategy, troubleshoot design edits, or learn more about how to use your website.

I’ll design personalized monthly newsletters for your audience. 

One the 1st of the month, I’ll run a full back up of your site so you won’t have to worry if you make any mistakes while learning how to make your own edits. 

Every month you’ll get 4 free hours of support ticket work, allowing you to skip the usual $75/hour fee.

You can use these hours to touch base on your web strategy, troubleshoot design edits, or learn more about how to use your website.

I’ll go in and run all updates on your site, plugins, and monitor potential errors to make sure your site is always running smoothly.

One the 1st of the month, I’ll run a full back up of your site so you won’t have to worry if you make any mistakes while learning how to make your own edits. 

Connect with me 1-on-1 to touch base on site status, goals, and troubleshoot any functionality questions with your site.

I’ll go in and run all updates on your site, plugins, and monitor potential errors to make sure your site is always running smoothly.

Every month you’ll get 4 free hours of support ticket work, allowing you to skip the usual $75/hour fee.

You can use these hours to touch base on your web strategy, troubleshoot design edits, or learn more about how to use your website.

I’ll design personalized monthly newsletters for your audience. 

One the 1st of the month, I’ll run a full back up of your site so you won’t have to worry if you make any mistakes while learning how to make your own edits.